Cleans and Things


Cleans and Things

CrossFit FTM – CrossFit


Squatting Quad Clean Warm Up (No Measure)

3 Min of Jump Rope

Pigeon Pose 1 min/side

PVC External Rotation 1 min/side

3 Squatting Quad Muscle Clean

3 Squatting Quad Power Clean

3 Squatting Quad Power Cleans + Front Squat

3 Squatting Quad Squat Cleans


Hang Clean (2×2@70% of 1RM Clean)

Hang Clean (2×[email protected]% of 1RM )

Hang Clean (2×2@80% of 1RM Clean)

Hang Clean (2×[email protected]% of 1RM )

Sets OTC 1:30


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

For Time (15 min cap)

5 Rounds

30 DU

18 DBL DB FR Lunge 45/30

15 DU

12 C2B Pull Ups

Toes-To-Bar (EMOM 10, 5-10 Reps)

Athletes, you pick a number between 5-10 and goal is to stick with that many reps EMOM