Tryptophan Friday
CrossFit FTM – CrossFit
Burgener Clean and Jerk (No Measure)
External Shoulder Rotation 1 min/side
Pigeon Pose – 1 min/side
1 Round with PVC
1 Round with Barbell
3 Power Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 Hang Squat cleans
3 Shoulder Press
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerks
3 Split Jerks
Metcon (Weight)
Barbell Cycling
0-4 mins – 2 Power Clean + Jerk1
2 min Rest
6-10 mins- 1 Power Clean and Jerk
+ 1 Squat Clean + Jerk
2 min rest
12-16 mins 2 Squat Cleans and
Start at 65% of 1 Rm Clean and Jerk. Increase weight was each movement changes (during the rest period)
Score = heaviest weight moved.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min AMRAP
14 TTB
7 Squat Cleans 115/75
3 Bar Muscle Ups
42 Double Unders
Metcon (Time)
2-3 Rounds of ‘Barbara’
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats
*Rest 3 min between rounds*