Squat Friday!
CrossFit FTM – CrossFit
Back Squat Warm Up (No Measure)
Run, Row, Ski or Bike 400 m
Hip: banded flexion gapping
Pigeon toes – 1 min/side
Upward Dog – 1 min
10 Empty Barbell Back Squats
5 Back Squats @ 50% of Max
Go to working weight.
Back Squat (5 x 2 @ 87.5%-92.5% of 1 RM)
OTC 1:30
Pull-ups (EMOM 10, 5-10 kipping pull ups)
score as total number of pull ups completed. Pick a number and try to maintain for all 10 min. May Increase on last 2-3 sets if you feel good .
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
18 Min AMRAP
32 Double Unders
9 DBL DB Push Press 45/30
12 DBL DB Front Rack Lunge 45/30
9 Hand Release Push Ups
12/9 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
each round out of 74/71