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    WHY CrossFit FTM?

    At CrossFit Fine Tuned Machine, we unleash the athletic prowess in Average Joes and Jills just like you. You don’t have to dream of standing on a CrossFit Games podium to love the results you’ll get with us. CrossFit teaches you to use your body in ways that you’ll notice in your everyday life – from playing with your kids to bringing in the groceries to playing sports. Life is easier when you’re in good shape.

    Our program is broad, general, and inclusive – that means anyone can do it. We’ve got retirees, professionals, college athletes and stay-at-home-parents working out side by side and all getting great results. We scale every workout to meet each individual’s current fitness level. 99% of our athletes have their workouts scaled in one form or another. You won’t be the only one!

    • Small Group Classes
    • One-on-One Attention
    • Broad, General & Inclusive
    • Primary Focus is the Average Joes




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