Snatchin on a Friday


Snatchin on a Friday

CrossFit FTM – CrossFit

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Burgener 2 (No Measure)

Pigeon Pose 1 min/side

2 R’s, 1 with PVC, 1 With Barbell

3 Power Shrug

3 High Pulls

3 Muscle Snatch

3 Snatch Land

3 Snatch Push Press


3 Pressing Snatch Balance

3 Sotts Press

3 Snatch Balance

3 Squat Snatch from Hip


Muscle Snatch (8 x 2 @ 35% + bands)

Sets OTC 0:25

Perform each rep from the floor. Release the bar and set up again between each rep. Focus on keeping the legs straight at the top position and and turning the wrist over.

Snatch Balance (5 x 2 @ 40% of 1 RM Snatch)

Fast Under the Bar!

Sets OTC 0:25

Hang Snatch (EMOM 7 x 2)

**These are squat snatches from above the knee**

no prescribed weight


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

16 Min AMRAP

3-6-9-12 etc

Squat Snatches

C2B Pull Ups


400 m run after each roun
Cheat Sheet

3+3 = 6

6+6+6 = 18

18+9+9 + 36

36+12+12 = 60

60+15+15 = 90